More than 70 people were left dead after the events that took place at the football game and more than 1,000 injured. Groups of anti-authority fans called "Ultras" have a conflict with the police at football games because of the "heavy-handed treatment". The question is why and how this happened while police just stood by. The league has been ordered to stop and there is a three day mourning as the fans take to the street to protest and demand answers. I want to know how it got so bad when the police were right there! Why didn't they do anything? I think this whole ordeal will have repercussions and this won't be the last time we hear about it.
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Paige K
2/2/2012 04:29:27 am

Yeah i heard about this today, i was asking myself the same question. It was funny when i first started reading this i forgot that they call soccer football and i was going to say it happened in soccer too! Ha, but honestly i thought it was stupid, the cops should've stepped in and took care of everthing!

2/2/2012 04:30:55 am

I read this story, and it is really crazy. I don't understand why they broke into a big fight over a game. But this reminds me of the Joplin vs. Carthage game. Carthage won and they still brought up the tornado and gave some on the soccer players crap about it. A huge fight broke out. Sad thing was they won, Joplin wasn't sore losers about anything. But you did awesome writing this.

Andrea Czirr
2/4/2012 07:47:12 am

When i read this article all i felt was sadness. This made me really think about how people react about things, i mean come on the team that won was the team that started killing the other team. Also this made me mad because the cops just stood there and let this happen, i was shocked. I don't have any connections to this story but i think it was ridiculous.


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